How to install mme video on hootoo
How to install mme video on hootoo

how to install mme video on hootoo how to install mme video on hootoo

It also has a default value, that is, 640 for width and 390 for its height. For example, if this is the URL for the video, nfk6sCzRTbM, simply copy the last (bold) characters, that is nfk6sCzRTbM, and paste it against the videoId parameter inside the JavaScript function like this.ģ) Width and Height: Next, I have defined the width and height of the player. Just go to the YouTube video page and in the browsers address bar you will see the id at end of the URL (followed by the “=” sign). The second parameter is the video’s id that I am going play on my website. The will contain the player.Ģ) The Video ID: Every YouTube video has a unique id. While initializing the player, I have defined few parameters that I’ll explain.ġ) Container holding the Player: The first parameter is the id of the element (added inside the section), where the API will include the element. The function will create the Players object for YT.Player, when the page loads. That is the only function that I have added inside the tag in the above example. To use the properties and methods provided in the API, we have to first add a pre-defined JavaScript function called onYouTubeIframeAPIReady(). Note: The mute() method does not work in IE 10. Chrome 39.0 - Yes | Firefox 34.0 - Yes | Internet Explorer 10 - No | Safari - No

How to install mme video on hootoo